Confessions of a Drama Queen

Monday, April 27, 2009

The long awaited Twilight entry....

Okay, it's really only been a week. So, I finally have something exciting to blog about. At least it's exciting to me, others may not find it to be, but that's their problem.

Several months ago, I was visiting my friends, Steph and Vicki, up in Seattle. Steph happens to be a very avid Twilight fan and insisted that I should start reading the series. I had heard a little bit about Twilight and thought "Why not?". Unfortunately, at the time, I think I was just kind of passively reading it. Well, I went to visit them again a few weeks before the Twilight movie came out in theaters and this time had become more aware of the hype around the series. So, that night at their place, I started reading it again with a more vested interest. Let's just say, I could not put the book down. I stayed up most of the night and then woke up early the next morning to finish it. And then, I couldn't wait to start on the next one, New Moon. And then the next one (Eclipse) and finally the fourth one (Breaking Dawn).

I know that the idea of a series about a romance between a vampire and a human sounds kind of silly, but the way Stephenie Meyer writes it is so addictive. And I always tell people that if there were a such thing as Christian vampires, these would be them. The Cullens are "vegetarian" vampires, they don't eat people and fight against the evil vamps. The only problem is that if you're single and reading the series, it can be rather depressing. Because you wind up moping around your house wondering when your Edward is gonna show up. Yes, speaking from personal experience... Okay, I'm gonna end this particular blog post to avoid writing a massive one. My next entry will be about my crazy Twilight weekend in Vancouver :-)


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